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10 Inspiring Real Estate Investing Podcasts

The Guide to the Top Real Estate Investing Podcasts

There are many different apps or platforms from which to listen to a podcast, so you as the user can choose the one that works best with your computer, cell phone, or tablet. There are podcasts on literally every subject available and real estate investing is no exception. But even though our access to information has grown exponentially, the number of hours in our day has not. So how do you decide which ones are worth your time and which ones are a waste of it? We’ve done that work for you. Here is a list of ten of the top real estate investing podcasts out there today. We’ve examined them all in depth to give you the key information about each of them, and listed them out here so that no matter where you are in your real estate investment business – whether you’re just beginning to think about it or you’re trying to decide how to expand your growing empire – you’ll know which is the right real estate investment podcast for you.


Real Estate Investing Podcasts for the Rookie Real Estate Investors

Bigger Pockets

bigger pockets Format of Podcast:

  • Hosts chatting
  • Today’s quick tip
  • Interview with guest(s)
  • Random 5 – five random questions at the end of each show

Josh and Brandon are very easy to listen to. They joke easily back and forth and talked a little bit about their personal lives before diving into the business or interview portion of the podcast. They intersperse bits of humor in the midst of their interviews, which make them less dry than some other  real estate investing podcasts out there. They are clearly well prepared for each guest, but also successfully feed off of what the person they interview talks about because they are able to ask thoughtful, follow-up questions when the interviewee brings up subjects on which they want to expound, including real estate terms and successful business models. They bill themselves as the guys you want to sit down and have a beer with while you learn about real estate investing, which means it’s a more casual, less stuffy podcast that gives great tips and never goes over listeners’ heads. They achieved their goal, and their “Bigger Pockets” podcast is enjoyable, informative, and  one of the best podcasts for real estate investing.

Real Wealth Show

Format of Podcast:

  • Brief intro to the podcast by Kathy
  • Interview with guest(s)

Kathy Fettke got started with her business, Real Wealth Network, when she noticed that a lot of people she was interviewing for a cable network show seemed to not be able to live the life they wanted because all of the money they earned was going to pay the bills. So she became an expert in real estate investing and passive income streams. Her podcast has over 570 episodes, most on those two topics. She is easy to listen to, and is a very polished presenter. She engages her interviewees with thoughtful questions and easy laughter. Because her podcast is shorter than most, she doesn’t get into quite the same amount of details as many other hosts on this list. But she gives you a good taste of the topic and keeps you wanting to come back for more advice and information. The “Real Wealth Show” podacst was also different in that some of her shows were specifically geared to try and reach millennials. Most other real estate investing shows seemed more targeted to Generation X and older, but this is a show that, by virtue of its topics, seems to want to reach younger listeners to get them started investing in real estate at an earlier age. This rel estate podcast is good for those who want a foundational understanding of what it takes to be a successful real estate investor.

Real Estate News for Investors

Format of Podcast:

  • News report done by Kathy

In addition to her “Real Wealth show” real estate investing podcast, Kathy Fettke also does the “Real Estate News for Investors” podcast, which is a brief, in-depth news report on a hot topic in the real estate industry. In the vein of an NPR piece, Kathy offers a more comprehensive look at specific subjects that are important to real estate investors. Topics range from the Fed rate hike to Florida’s hot housing market to Warren Buffett backing the tiny house movement. The information she gives out in these podcasts is helpful to both the experienced investor and the rookie looking to start building wealth through real estate. The length of the piece is significant enough to whet your appetite about a topic and encourage you to look more closely at it, but not enough for you to be overwhelmed by information. These are great snapshots of what’s happening in real estate today and a good introduction of the important topics that people starting out in real estate investing need to know.

Real Estate Investing Podcast for those who want to Buy AND Sell for Profit

Real Estate Rockstars

Format of Podcast:

  • Several minutes of introduction by Pat Hiban all about the podcast and upcoming events
  • Interview with someone who has had success in real estate
  • Ends with a promo for the program asking listeners to rate the podcasts, buy his book, follow him on social media, and check out his website

Pat Hiban brings 25 years of experience to his “Real Estate Rockstart” podcasts, which he has been streaming since 2014. As he points out in the intro to each episode, he has sold over 7000 homes, which translates to millions of dollars in volume. His goal with his real estate investment podcast is to help listeners “make more commissions and create the life you deserve.” He does that by interviewing anyone who has had success in real estate that he feels would be able to help potential investors understand the ins and outs of the market, whether those people are real estate agents, real estate brokers, real estate coaches, or real estate investors. There are more than 500 episodes available in his catalog. He clearly has done his homework and asks detailed questions of his subjects to get at the heart of the advice that they have to offer. Hiban’s “Real Estate Rockstart”  podcast seems to be more on the theme of buying and selling for profit rather than buying and keeping property for rental income, although he does touch on the latter as well. This is a real estate investing podcast that would be very useful and helpful for those who want a basic understanding of how the real estate market works and how to turn a profit in the midst of the current market.

Real Estate Investing Podcasts ​for those who Need Motivation to Get Going

Lifetime Cash Flow

Format of Podcast:

  • Promo for Lifetime Cash Flow podcast
  • Interview with guests

Rod Khlief’s podcast – “Lifetime Cash Flow through  Real Estate Investing” – has been ranked #1 in Business: Education in iTunes. His episodes have been downloaded over 1,000,000 times. Unlike other real estate podcasts, “Lifetime Cash Flow through  Real Estate Investing” is ad-free, which is nice for the listeners. Rod’s experience in real estate comes from owning and managing over 2000 homes and apartment buildings. His stated goal is to offer strategies to achieve lifetime financial freedom through real estate investment, so the podcasts offer valuable tips from experienced professionals on how to make smart decisions as you start to build your real estate portfolio. In his over 130 podcasts, Khlief has discussed everything from how successful people got their start in real estate investing to doing your due diligence (and what is that in real estate?) to how to finance your real estate purchases. The vast majority of his regular podcasts are with people who have found success in real estate investing. Khlief spends time asking them lots of questions on how they became successful, what tips and strategies they can offer his listener, etc. What sets Khlief apart from some of his competitors is that, in addition to his regular lengthy podcast, he also hosts a short “Driving Force Tip” podcast that is separate from his regular podcast. It averages about five minutes in length and gives listeners tips on being a successful business person from a human relations viewpoint rather than a strictly business standpoint. Topics range from the power of words to the importance of networking and learning to listen. Being part motivational speaker and part successful real estate entrepreneur is a good balance for Khlief and he pulls it off well. The offering of good life tips in addition to good real estate business tips is a great formula for a really interesting podcast that is on target for people who, in addition to needing tips and secrets from those who have already found success in real estate ventures, may need a little extra encouragement to believe that they can be successful.

Rich Dad Radio Show

Format of Podcast:

  • Brief intro to the Rich Dad concept
  • Interview with guest, briefly interrupted with ads for the Rich Dad Radio Show
  • Ask Robert

Richard & Kim Kiyosaki are veteran advisors in the financial world. While they don’t speak regularly on real estate investing specifically, their business is helping entrepreneurs learn how to apply themselves and make money. They are often guest speakers on other real estate investing podcasts. The Kiyosakis have a wide variety of guests on their own program, and each guest speaks to how entrepreneurs can overcome various obstacles, apply themselves differently, and channel their motivations to be as successful as they can be in whatever business they are invested in. Their guests range from Daimond John, a panelist on “Shark Tank” and owner of FUBU clothing, to Harry Dent, an economic forecaster, to Ron Paul, a politician speaking to the effects a Trump presidency has on the economy. The Kiyosakis are setting out to give entrepreneurs encouragement and sound investing advice so that they can make the best business decisions for themselves and for their companies. Their goal is “to elevate the financial well-being of humanity” and make you feel empowered and capable of being in business for yourself. If you need a boost of confidence as you start out in the world of passive income streams, this is a great place to start.

Real Estate Investing Podcasts for those who Want More than Just the Basics of Investing

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing

Format of Podcast:

  • Interview with a specialist in real estate investing or a monologue by just him

Jason Hartman’s Facebook page touts him as a podcast rockstar. With over 800 shows in this particular “Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing”
podcast (and he has several different podcasts), the label is accurate. Hartman is very polished and clearly experienced in creating an interesting and easy-to-follow real estate investing podcast. He has a lot of knowledge to share, and he uses time efficiently in each podcast. He doesn’t engage the person he has been interviewing as much as some of the other podcasts; he likes to give out his own knowledge. But since he has so much experience in real estate investing, it make sense for him to talk often and it worked in the context of his podcasts. Hartman’s plethora of experience in real estate make his episodes engaging and informative. This is a great podcast to listen to as you move beyond a passing interest in real estate investing and start to develop real strategies for making money.

Real Estate Guys Radio Show

Format of Podcast:

  • Advertisement for Real Estate Radio Guys
  • Discussion between hosts
  • Interview with guests
  • Real Estate trivia question with chance to win prize

The Real Estate Radio Guys got their start just where their name says – on radio. They started a show back in 1997 that was broadcast over the airwaves and focused entirely on all different facets of real estate and real estate investing. Beginning in 2011, they added podcasts to their repertoire, and now have more than 300 episodes available for streaming. They cover a wide variety of topics and feature a wide variety of guests, all focused on helping you make the best possible real estate investment. They also go “off the grid” just a little bit and deviate away from some of the more standard real estate discussions. For example, past podcast topics have included investment in agricultural real estate, stupid investor tricks, and unleashing the millennial mind. Given their 20+ years of real estate experience, these are two men who know a lot and are able to share a lot of that knowledge with their listeners. They’re well-connected in the real estate industry so they feature well-known guests with great reputations. They are informative and it’s easy to listen to them. Their podcasts run a little bit longer on average than other real estate shows, and they have more advertisements throughout the podcast than just about any other streaming show. But if you can get through those, your time spent with the Real Estate Radio Guys will not be wasted.

Real Estate Investing Podcasts for the Apartment Building Investor

Apartment Building Investing

Format of Podcast:

  • Brief intro by Michael Blank
  • Interview with a specialist in real estate investing
  • Closing comments by Michael Blank

No gimmicks in this one. If you want a straightforward podcast on investing, Blank’s podcast is a great one to subscribe to or listen to. This is a podcast for people who have a little more than a basic understanding of investing – he uses terms and concepts that people who are already involved in investing will know immediately, but those who don’t may need to familiarize themselves with certain concepts as they listen to the podcasts. He is very interested in helping people become investors in real estate by using “other people’s money.” Blank speaks a little bit about this in each of his podcasts and offers a free book as supplemental material to the podcast. He doesn’t have as many platforms as other podcasters out there, but is doing some interesting things with technology, like enabling you to receive a copy of his book by texting him. Blank is great for those who have started to get their feet wet in the market and want to start wading into the deeper waters of investing in apartment buildings.

Old Capital

Format of Podcast:

  • Interview done by Mike and Paul

Mike and Paul focus their real estate podcast on one specific segment of the real estate market: apartments. In the intro to each podcast, they promise, “Interviews with real-life successful investors who will share their stories and provide useful advice on how to acquire, finance, and operate apartment complexes.” They don’t disappoint. Their basic format is to ask a few biographical questions of their guests and then use those as a springboard to move into whatever the topic of the broadcast is. The specific angle of owning apartment buildings as part of your real estate empire provides a great framework for a lot of different guests to come on and talk about their areas of expertise within that topic. Mike and Paul have had guests who talk about everything from finding a good property management company to property taxes to what areas of the country are hot for real estate right now. This podcast is successful in breaking down the nuts and bolts of what it means to own multi-family dwellings, which are huge investment opportunities, and how you can get started in that particular market. Overall, it’s a great program for people who are looking to buy and operate apartments as the crux of their real estate investment empire. Once a week on Mondays, Mike and Paul release a much shorter podcast called “Ask Mike Mondays” where Mike answers an apartment-related real estate question himself. Listeners submit the questions, and Mike chooses one each week to speak about. These are typically more general questions – topics include insurance, creating a management team, and avoiding foreclosure – but the format allows Mike to talk a little more in depth about whatever the issue is. He gives enough information for you to know what the first steps are in taking action on each of them. They’re great quick podcasts to give you an idea of what’s going on in a specific area of the apartment market, and they succeed in establishing Mike (and by extension Paul) as experts in the field who warrant your subscription to their longer podcast.

You can search iTunes for a lot more real estate investment ​podcasts, but you’ll want to start with these. Collectively, these real estate podcasts have thousands of hours of tips on how you can become a successful real estate investor – and you don’t have to wait until you have wealth to do it. Just start listening to learn how!

Now it's YOUR turn!

  What is your favorite Real Estate Investing Podcast/s?
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